Merry Christmas From Hudson Lifting

Dec 4, 2020

From one business to another- Merry Christmas from Hudson Lifting Limited

Well what can we say. If some told you on New Years Eve what was to come, would you believe it? 2020 was well and truly a rollercoaster and one many would choose not to ride on again. However, 2020 is coming to an end. Whether we can say that for the uncertainty is another matter.

Many industries have been in the same rocky boat throughout 2020, on a journey with no end. The industrial industry was well and truly on the metaphorical boat. Covid-19 forced many to slow down, if not stop completely. We at Hudson Lifting saw the effect of a slower paced industry. 

Through such times, we have truly seen the best in our suppliers, employees and clients alike. What a team we have around us! Our team of experts have truly cracked on, understanding the ‘new normal’ and altered their services in accordance. With the uncertainty of furlough and new working conditions, it has been amazing to see all sticking to the rules and going the extra mile to ensure the safety of everybody in the workplace. We understand the worries of many of our clients, and appreciate the opportunities given to work together offering each other a quality service. 

We would like to take this moment to thank everybody for truly pulling together over the past year to see us through. 


What’s in plan for 2021?

We can confidently speak for everyone when we say that we hoped Covid-19 would be swept under the carpet on New Years Eve, however we doubt such a statement is possible. We will take 2021 on with full force. We at Hudson Lifting Limited aim to power through 2021 with the same enthusiasm and care that we have always held. We hope you are coming along for the ride! 

If you require the services of Hudson Lifting Limited, get in contact with us today. Phone to speak to a friendly member of our team on 01375 807 643 or email any queries you may have on

Contact Details

Hudson Lifting
Unit 71, Thames Industrial Park Princess Margaret Road East Tilbury, Essex RM18 8RH

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